(I just heard the president's announcement about pulling out of the deal with Iran...)
Alone in the park I feel my daily dose of loss, of humanity, of love, of my soul, of myself...
It always feels like the end of the world ...
I have no desire to think about it, speak of it, scare others, spread drama to get sympathy or to rally support...
I just want to take care of myself, human up, feel whole again and return to the present of my soul...
I play some fabulous music, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cklrerugm9o slow my breathing down, open my heart and breathe with more ease....
I inhale kindness through the nose... and exhale compassion through the heart...
I honor my loss, make more space, and have a heart for now...
Being one with the breath, I walk with grace, and ask for the blessing of my higher power...
I now celebrate the beauty of my soul, in the midst of the end of the world...
Samuel Jakob Kirschner, Voice of the Breaze.